Monday=Tuesday can't come soon enough

Monday, Monday, Monday!

Mondays are almost always rough on anyone who is in the rat race. I guess that's why going to church on Sunday is so important!

Well I'm glad I made it this past Sunday because who knows how I would have made it through today. It was one of the roughest Monday's I have memory of having.

I hate change in many ways. Especially if I'm not the one making or approving the changes (it's  the truth what can I say). This Monday was ALL about change not made or approved by me!

I am not happy, angry or sad. I am every emotion you can think of. Relieved, confused...excuse me if I'm all over the place.

For once, in my adult life, I am speechless. What I knew, is no more. What I planned, is no longer applicable. What I've gained is irreplaceable. What I lost is...

I will find peace about the changes and I will embrace it. I will never understand why or why now. All I know is God has kept me thus far.

At times like this it's important to realize and recognize that your life is not your own. God has the final say. I'm crying tears of pain and joy today. Only my pillow and God understands why.

"We need to be hurt in order to grow, we must fail in order to know, we must lose in order to gain... lessons are learned best through pain."

"I'm going to smile like nothing is wrong, talk like everything is perfect, act like it's all a dream, and pretend like it's not hurting me."

Simply because this time I'm mature and wise enough to's not about ME!

Lady Eloise

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