Romantic Movie Time

Tonight I'm suffering from Insomnia so I decided to pop in a movie. I went with the recent release "Just Wright" starring Common and Queen Latifah.
Can I just say I love this movie. It has the right mix of drama, comedy, and romance. As a hopeless romantic this movie tugged at my heart strings. I consider it a new favorite.
Needless to say, it did not cure my insomnia but it did make me feel good. It's nice to see confirmation that love has no boundaries or rules.
In my opinion, this movie proves the best lover is your best friend. So, ladies if you have a lover, it's not too late to make them your best friend. Likewise, if you have a best friend it might be time to consider them a lover.
Never say never where love is concerned.
Afterall, love is GRAND...he knows :)
Lady Eloise

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