
I miss you. I miss you like air, like some people miss water. How did it come to this? Your question, my question. If everything was so right, then how are things so wrong? 

I’m to blame, you’re to blame. Two hearts mixed up in confusion and now in pain. 

I miss the good things, but I’m relieved that the bad things no longer exist. Now it seems, neither do we? 

“Why?” like a child I cry out. “It’s for the best,” everybody says. Then why does it feel so f*cking bad.

How do you describe a feeling so strong?

Love, in simple terms. Hate, somewhat. Obsession, has a ring to it. Friendship, definitely. Commitment, very little. Relationship, it’s complicated. 

At the end of the day, it is OVER!

Lady Eloise

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