Stop saying "I Love You"
Love is a word used too much, so when it's actually meant, it's not believed.
How to solve this dilemma? Stop saying "I Love You". Many of us, have heard and repeated the saying "Actions speak louder than words". However, how many of us must "say what's on our mind" or have to "communicate"? If you are a woman these phrases are apart of our "bible", so to speak. So if actions speak louder than words, why must we hear the words "I love you"?
How many times have you been told the words and not been the recipient of the action? Someone says they love you, but treats you bad. When someone who truly loves you comes along and shows you their love through their consistent behavior, the words are unnecessary. But our validation issues want the words not once, but constantly.
Learn how to recognize what love feels like by loving yourself. Only then, will you come to a point where you can decipher what true love is and how it feels.
Skip the words, from now on. Show your love.
The last part of your message sounds alittle like Mya Angelou... Poetic justic??
No. This post is based on original thought processes. If I had quoted Dr. Maya Angelou, I would have to cite her works. Copyright infringement is a serious offense!
Simply put, love means buying someone popcorn, bon bon's, and jujubees when they say please...!
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