In Everything you HAPPY!

You are the “root” of your own happiness. If the root of a tree is damaged, barren, or rotted, Will it grow? Will it bear good things?

This is the same for us ladies. We can no longer hide behind the “leaves” and “branches” of our lives (i.e. husbands, boyfriends, children, etc.) because in the end, we are the source. If we rot out by not getting the proper and healthy things we require and deserve, we will be of no good to anyone. The leaves will scatter and the branches will fall. And who is to blame?

Stop starving yourself of the things you need. Prayer, rest, relaxation, purpose, individuality, and passion are just a few things we need to stay grounded as women. Stop letting “things” rule your life. Unhappiness is a contagious and harmful state of mind. It can destroy you from the inside out.

I am not suggesting being self absorbed or reckless. I am suggesting finding a balance between how you see yourself and how those that rely on you see you. A happy medium so to say so.

In life, sometimes you have to make sacrifices for the good of all. But never sacrifice your sanity. Just a little something to think about as you go through your day.

“Sure God created man before woman. But then you always make a rough draft before the final masterpiece.  ~Author Unknown”

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